Q. How can I recognize my talent?

How can I recognize my talent?

talent recognizance





Jun, 2018

  • bryanrogers

    You can recognize your talent using several way. Often it’s hard to identify because your talent can feel like second nature. What you assumed was easy could actually be really difficult for other people.
    So how do you identify your talent? Try these few steps to identify talents.
    a) Identify What You Love to Do
    b) Know Your Interests
    c) Identify Previous Successes
    d) Take Some Tests
    e) Know Your Weaknesses etc.
    There are lot’s of way by which you can identify your talent. Also you can grow your fund easily by organizing talent show. This is one kind of school fundraising ideas you may do that.


    answered by

      2.54 q
  • pearljam

    Your talent is what....

    Talent is hidden in the field in which you take interest unwillingly.

    Just enjoy in the field without any reason.

    In which field, disturbance doesn’t matter to you. You want to be indulge in it.

    Now, you can recognize your talent after some time.
    Just brush your brain.


    answered by

      14.27 q
  • ae1996

    Recognize on how many things you’re good at. Go deep on those things. If you don’t know your talent yet, just do many things that you’d wish to do. Between those things, I’m sure that you’ll have 1 thing that you wanna fight for. Just keep doing it, persistent is the key and that will be your talent in the future. :)


    answered by

      46.98 q

Asked in Category


Talents and skills. Take note of the conjunction "and". Can you be talented without skills? Can you be skilled without talents? What's exactly the difference between the two? To name few talents, you say: singing, dancing, painting, or drawing. And for skills, you say: gymnastics, designing, cooking, or carpentry. Have you ever asked yourself about which is more important? Being talented or being skilled?
Talent is your ability to do something well. Skill is the ability you acquire from training or experiences. While talents come out naturally even without training's or experiences, skill is needs hard-work. It makes sense for you to evaluate yourself at the moment. Are you skilled or talented?

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