Q. What would you do if your barber had messed up your hair without you knowing?

stay calm and just stay calm

What would you do if your barber had messed up your hair without you knowing?


messup barber hairs





Jul, 2018

1 Answer
  • wordsofwisdom

    Maybe if you were getting a haircut from a friend, but a barber does this job to pay his bills. I have not yet come to a barber that does major mistakes. But if you are going to have a haircut with a new babrber please watch his hands if they are shaky, to minimize any loss of hair.


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      23.06 q

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Messy hairs don't care! This is one of the famous captions on Facebook and Instagram by people who actually look good even with a messy hair. Not all people look good with it, though. Your hair is the crown you never take off; invest on it. People around the world have different hairstyles, yet most women settle for a long hair that signifies their femininity since the early times. Some also choose to have a short hairstyle as a product of post modernism. However, men aren't so picky when it comes to hairstyles. Yet, most of their hairstyles signify their social status.

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