Q. What is dating like in your country?

What is dating like in your country?


dating country's culture





Jul, 2018

  • roger

    This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing blog that understand the value of providing a quality resource for free.CRYPTO


    answered by

      0.39 q
  • oladare

    love is good to actually be in a relationship can be the best feeling you can ever have in life love your partner well and make the best out of your relationship.


    answered by

      3.97 q
  • nancy

    It is pretty much the same.
    Love is one thing that is constant all around the world.
    And dating is the first step to love, we have many dating websites in my country but still, people believe more in the traditional and conventional ways.


    answered by

      13.62 q

Asked in Category


"Dating is the start of everything" - is that so? It is the stage where you get to know the person better. Online dating versus personal dating. People have different perspectives about it. Some say that the best dating should be face to face. It’s fortunate for others who find their better half through it. However, we cannot conclude that online dating is never successful and is worse. We may call it a Long-Distance-Virtual-Relationship having hopes and faith for each other. Somehow this is for risk-takers and brave hearts - no trust issues involved. Choice is a choice.

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