Q. After what age does life starts taking unexpected and sharp turns?

After what age does life starts taking unexpected and sharp turns?

Life is unexpected and uncertain but it gets intense after a certain age.
What according to you is that age?

sharp turns roller-coaster life





Aug, 2018

1 Answer
  • pearljam

    Life is mobile. Always changing as the time changes.

    It depends , when you realise that the life is changing.

    When u feel happy and joyous and have sudden tense or have any bitter unexcpected assignment, then u can think life is changing. In reality, life is going on in a certain pace.

    Sharp turns....when u wanted to take it. It is your wish , when you wanted to have a joy ride and whaen u wanted a ride on Roller-coaster.

    This question is a very relative question and it depends on every person differently. What I think so.

    So, live your life, in a parabolic sigmoid curve rather than linear or analog curve.


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      11.03 q

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We can define life through experiences and still can't find the exact word to say what life really is. Messy? Complicated? Roller coaster ride? Meaningless? or just not being dead? Philosophy suggests that there's an invisible bond that interconnects all the living. Most of us are still bugged about how life started and what's next after life. There is more to life that just merely exist. No one can figure out what exactly it is because no one knows the purpose behind this. All we can do is to live it to the fullest. It is too short; don't make it shorter.

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