Q. What hurts more, harsh words or actions?

What hurts more, harsh words or actions?

Words can hurt and so can actions, but what hurts more?

hurt actions words





Aug, 2018

1 Answer
  • mechanic

    I am someone who always get scolded or beated. The anwer to this question depends on two facts. One is who the opponent is, two the situation this taking place. Because if the one scolding you or beating you is your mom then you can make your mind saying that its your mom and it’s for our good. If it is your friend or someone you know there surely is s reason for it which can be disputed. If it is someone you really don’t know then there is a problem. If I summarize the anwer for you this is it,

    Parents   harsh words
    Friends   Actions
    Unknown No feelings


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Each of us has his own philosophy in life. We live by those terms every day. The world is full of mysteries and questions like life does. In the never ending search for the meaning of life and how to deal with it, many philosophers seek knowledge to give us an answer. A part of philosophy explains an invisible bond shared by everyone in this world. Simply saying that whatever you do affects someone around you. It sounds more like a story in a movie but, yes philosophy is always applied in it. It's a broad topic to begin with and the simple philosophy to live by is to always choose the brighter side.

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