Q. What is the best way to reduce stress during pregnancy?


What is the best way to reduce stress during pregnancy?

health women






Mar, 2019

2 Answers
  • pillsonlinerx

    Many women may observe stress, depression, and hypertension during the initial stages of pregnancy. To reduce it you can go out for a walk, listen to some stress-free music, read books, and have a healthy diet. Making changes in daily habits will be the best way to reduce stress during pregnancy.


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      0.35 q
  • markcalloway9011

    According to me the best way to reduce stress during Pregnancy could be consulting a Chiropractor. A Chiropractor not only helps you to reduce stress but also helps you in Pain Relief, Nausea Relief, Improved Immune system, Bowel Regularity, diminishes the Chances of C-Sections, Better baby Positon etc. To know more benefits, you can go through this website: https://www.spinechiropractic.com.au....


    answered by

      1.4 q

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Medical Sciences

Imagine a world with billions of people living in it. Diseases are everywhere. Everyone is dying. No medicine to cure the physically ill. What a worse world would that be? That's how medical science is created. It deals with life, prolonging life and giving people the hope to live and enjoy more years. Also, the people in this field are of high regard for giving their best to save the life of a dying individual. Thanks to the broad scope of this field that help people in terms of prevention and cure of their illnesses. Since it deals with life, it extends its scope to all the living organisms. Hats off to geniuses in the society who have contributed a lot in this filed.

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