Q. How to cancel Allegiant Air Flight?
How to cancel Allegiant Air Flight?
Let’s take a closer look at online cancellations now. In case of online cancellation, redirection is required to follow the steps mentioned below. The steps are as follows:
1. First of all, users have to go to the official website of Allegiant air.
2. After reaching the home page, you will be asked to click on the “My Directions” section.
3. Click on the “Manage My Booking” section to continue or as shown on the screen.
4. You will then need to provide some details, such as your booking number, followed by your last name.
5. Click “Continue” to continue. This will allow you to access your Elegant Air bookings.
6. Once you are granted entry, you will be asked to select the booking you wish to cancel with Allegiant Air. To cancel an Allegiant Air flight, you need to select the option “Cancel flight”.
7. Continue Paying (Cancellation Fee) You’re done.
If you wish to cancel your flight for free, you can hold on to the flight cancellation within 24 hours of making the initial reservation with Allegiant Air. Contact us for more information or inquiries: Get immediate help.
Read more about Allegiant Air Cancellation Policy