Q. I don’t know how to tell my kids I’m getting a divorce!?

I don’t know how to tell my kids I’m getting a divorce!?

How do I make the news less stressful for them?

divorce law child support





May, 2022

1 Answer
  • klaudiapunctus

    First, it is good to acknowledge that some degree of stress is unavoidable. Your divorce will be a major life change for them, after all, and changes are scary. Plus, their response will also be tied up in whatever their view of divorce is, assuming they are old enough to be familiar with the concept.

    That said, one large reason why changes are scary is that they open the doors to the unknown. You can mitigate that issue by talking to your kids, explaining what will happen, and — when you don’t know for sure — going over what is likely to happen. Who is going to move out? Is the family moving to a different house? Will the kids have to change schools? They may not ask these questions immediately, but they’ll wonder about them sooner or later.

    If you haven’t already, it may be wise to sit down with a custody attorney before breaking the news. This way you can speak to them already having a better sense of what the result of divorce and custody negotiations will likely be.


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