Q. I think my employer is discriminating against a religious colleague – what should I do?

I think my employer is discriminating against a religious colleague – what should I do?

employer discrimination





Aug, 2022

1 Answer
  • williamlopez

    While it is not really your job to step in and fight your employer on behalf of someone else, you should help where you can. I recommend that, where possible, you take note of any religious discrimination you see in your workplace. Try and get some kind of supporting letters, and let your colleague know that if they wish to complain that you will provide them with support to make their issues clear.

    Also, I recommend you hire the kind of religious discrimination attorney Los Angeles has in abundance. These religious law experts can ensure that your ideas are legitimate and that you have a case that can be brought forward and answered by an employer.
    While you should avoid getting too involved yourself, do what you can to support your colleague in this trying and challenging time overall.


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Every deed done may not be correct, thus we have laws. Human is the noblest creation of god yet there is need of law to save the victims from others of the same kind. A country has a legal set of regulation that the citizens are obliged to follow. The ideology beneath the purpose to protect the innocent and provide justice, works on fear of penalties. The system of rules imposes the punishment in accordance to the crime. “More law, less justice”.

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