Q. What are the advantages of mobile patrols over fixed security posts?

What are the advantages of mobile patrols over fixed security posts?






May, 2023

1 Answer
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    It’s great that you’re considering different options to ensure the best security for your premises. Both mobile patrols and fixed security posts have their own unique benefits, which is why a typical Chesterfield construction security company will use either option depending on the needs of the job.

    That said, mobile patrols do have advantages, one of them being flexibility. Unlike fixed security posts, mobile patrols can cover a larger area and respond to security threats in real-time. They can move around your premises, checking for potential breaches and suspicious activity, making it difficult for criminals to anticipate their movements.

    Mobile patrols can also help to maintain a visible security presence. As they move around your premises, they can deter potential criminals and provide peace of mind to employees and visitors. This can be especially important in larger premises, where fixed security posts may give the impression that there isn’t enough security around.

    Another advantage of mobile patrols is that they can be more cost-effective. Depending on the size and layout of your premises, it may be more efficient to have mobile patrols than to maintain multiple fixed security posts.


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