Love and Relationship

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In this days everyone like to have a great car, show a great house only to impress the others… In the 90’s having a good education was the most sexy thing, today having botox and lambos is what your eyes see first… But in the end is the size …yes the...


In this days everyone like to have a great car, show a great house only to impress the others…
In the 90’s having a good education was the most sexy thing, today having botox and lambos is what your eyes see first…
But in the end is the size …yes the size matter…the size of your wallet!!!

What really matter for you?
Brain, botox or Lambos....


6y ago

 33.23 q (claimed) View Top Answer
Love and Relationship

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I am curious to know what things in people’s lives give them utmost happiness.

I am curious to know what things in people’s lives give them utmost happiness.

 1.6 q (claimed) View Top Answer