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Popular Questions (this week)
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Good idea i think. I believe they will do what they promised and Presearch go to the moon :D
answered by michaliocze 6y agoSmartphones(more)Absolutely Not. The best innovation is yet to come. Waiting for that…
Stock Exchange(more)A trade war is when a country imposes tariffs or other barriers on imported products, prompting other countries to retaliate by implementing similar taxes or penalties. Trump has actually already dec...
Business(more)I would like to congratulate you for entering into the league of people who have asked this classical question which has surfaced more times on any Q&A platforms than anything else for MBA aspirants. ...
answered by ankitsharma26797 6y agoHealth and Fitness(more)According to me, both the factors are important. But comparatively I will choose health because health is an asset which generates money but if you choose money over health with a span of time it will...
answered by brandon.bruce 6y agoScience and Technology(more)there are several problems that you must solve for a working grapple gun: - you need a strong but thin rope that can fit inside the gun when coiled - the graple must open when you tug the rope - the ...
Philosophy(more)Brain always Think for in each and every aspect. But, heart interfare sometimes to the Brain. So, if both argue, i would prefer heart to brain most of the time.
Automobiles(more)I think you meant the lack of pressure. there is not much pressure in the outer space, the thing that astronauts need to to protect themselves against is the extremely low pressure and how it sucks th...
Health and Fitness(more)Listening music …Especially Rap, Metal And Rock.....My addiction.
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