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Popular Questions (this week)
- Automobiles(more)
I think you meant the lack of pressure. there is not much pressure in the outer space, the thing that astronauts need to to protect themselves against is the extremely low pressure and how it sucks th...
Countries(more)The leaders working for the beast system which creates poverty in itself. The government-based indoctrination of the people that is designed to create ignorance and obediance instead of power and pres...
answered by billionairebitclub 6y agoCurrent Affairs(more)Not sure about it. Depends on the degree of the crime commited, maybe. If it was rape, I don’t think there’s something to be restored in that. The suspect might get a number of years to spend in the j...
Programming(more)Go watch some tutorials on Udemy there’re really some good stuff there. Afterwards try to write some code for dummy projects. Such as school-student systems, mp3 player, reminder etc. with your favor...
answered by sercandrop 6y agoRituals(more)Yes. I will use the pledge of alligience as an example. From the time you are in Kindergarten, you are taught to repeat this mantra. How can a 5 year old pledge anything to such a complex entity in...
answered by billionairebitclub 6y agoHealth and Fitness(more)Weight machines, there is no element of balance required to lift the weight so therefore easier to left. Free weights, balance is required, you have to lift the weight, but also balance the actual wei...
answered by clivehayes 6y agoEducationWhich topics do you believe will be the biggest magnets to attract users and generate content to an?(more)I think topics most people have questions about, so by googling the question Qurito comes up as a suggestion. And one can open a topic when you see their is more curiosity about that particular topic....
Bitcoin(more)Nobody owns the Bitcoin network much like no one owns the technology behind email. Bitcoin is controlled by all Bitcoin users around the world. While developers are improving the software, they can’t ...
answered by shafeen786 6y agoSmartphones(more)Absolutely Not. The best innovation is yet to come. Waiting for that…
Love and Relationship(more)If you keep on doing that which is shown in the picture, then you should really be scared. Past is past. However hurtful it may seem, you have to be transparent about it and see if your girlfriend lo...
Blockchain(more)Like Awad I believe Qurito could be a great opponent to Quora. The rewards via token, the security, the dencetralization, … are great and make lot of sense. But the main problem will be to make people...
Bitcoin(more)In order to replace fiat currencies, some sort of regulation is needed on the crypto market. There is far too many scams going on in the crypto space for it to really break into the mainstream. From...
answered by clivehayes 6y agoFashion(more)1 Place tie around your neck. … 2 Cross the wide end over the thinner end. … 3 Run wide end under tie and pull it across again. … 4 Pull the wide end through the center. … 4 Loop through the knot. … 5...
answered by clivehayes 6y agoLove and Relationship(more)Hi, i would suggest you to go for a long vacation at Paris. I love the “Evenings of Paris”.
Art and Design(more)Appliance reliable repair is an essential service that keeps our daily lives running smoothly. Whether you choose DIY or professional repair, timely attention to appliance problems can save you time a...
answered by davidwilly 7mos ago
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