Q. Who controls stock market?

dark knight in a day

Who controls stock market?

i always wonder how the prices go high and low






Feb, 2018

2 Answers
  • saleem

    Catalysts, such as clinical trial results or regulatory approvals, can have a significant impact on the stock price of micro cap biotech stocks companies. This article explores the importance of catalysts in this sector, and how investors can use them to identify potential investment opportunities.


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  • karmesh

    “No one actually controls the Stock Market”

    Stock trading is completely based on the Demand & Supply principle. The major factors affecting the demand and supply are discussed in the below reference.


    Good Luck!


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"Just do it", "Go further", "I'm lovin' it", "Think different", "Open Happiness".
Can you take a guess who owns these taglines? Basically, when you think of business, you consider something that people will surely remember. Business meets creativity, strategy, and vision. You can add more. A famous artist once said that business is the best art. It's creating money and jobs at the same time. Helping people and helping yourself is such a good cause.
Businesses in different varieties have been rising successfully nowadays. Business Process Outsourcing and other online jobs that are either home-based or office-based are just few of the many. In all these opportunities, you may consider to have your own business. Working hard for your dreams is far better than making somebody else's dream come true. It may take a while yet the profit is worth the risk.

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