Q. Are there any other robots similar to sophia robot, does she really 'think?

The Programmer

Are there any other robots similar to sophia robot, does she really 'think?






Jan, 2018

Accepted Answer
  • avery

    Sophia is the first-ever robot citizen and is one among the finest specimen of robotics and AI merger. Hanson Robotics, a Hong Kong based company that is founded and owned by Dr. David Hanson with the agenda of building robots that can live peacefully and help humans. The said company has made many robots that are alike Sophia in some way or the other. The robots they made are featured with machine learning capabilities, chatting with relative fluency, face tracking and face recognition. Their most successful robots are ALICE, Albert Einstein HUBO, BINA48, Han, Jules, Professor Einstein, Philip K. Dick and Zeno. These are also called Sophia’s siblings. Talking about the thinking capability of Sophia, I would say that she has a set of assembled programs that enables her to process the inputs that she interprets from the outer world in the form of sounds and visuals, after receiving such inputs she reacts back as per her programmed capabilities. If that’s what you call thinking then yes she thinks.


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Science and Technology

Few years back, you may have imagined about robots dominating the world; a miniature helicopter capturing photos; or living in Mars. Imagination goes well with creation. We’re on our way. For hundreds of years, science has been doing studies and giving explanations to occurrences that go beyond the human imagination and understanding. Thus, theories are created.
For hundreds of years, technology has been doing a great job in industrialising the world. You step in the land of the first world countries and see for yourself how lifestyle has been advancing. Yet, theory is a theory until it’s proven; technology remains limited. You might wake up one day and see that sci-fi turns into reality. However, what happens next when the clock ticks to ‘Midnight’ and doomsday is for the universe?

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