Q. What is Illuminati?

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What is Illuminati?

I was trying to figure out what exactly illuminati is?






Apr, 2018

Accepted Answer
  • clivehayes

    It is a powerful organisation that controls the modern world. It has done this by infiltrating the media and brainwashing the population…or… is it one of the worlds biggest conspiracy theories.


    answered by

      151.89 q
  • crypto.bit182

    Fathers of Bilderberg group


    answered by

      15.21 q
  • pearljam

    The Illuminati, a purported collective of influencers working to create a better world for the good of humanity, would appear to be a thing.

    The term Illuminati belongs to two different groups: the original Illuminati, formed more than two centuries ago as a secret society aimed at undermining corrupt governments and the religious intolerance that dominated society at the time, quickly dissolved into myth. Today, that myth is linked to the idea of a New World Order, an alleged underground totalitarian global government that conspiracy theorists believe is controlling the world.

    It was created as a Masonic group in 1776 by German philosopher Adam Weishaupt, with the intention of liberating humanity from all forms of political, mental, and physical bondage.


    answered by

      58.28 q
  • satyakam

    It is a powerful and savagely guarded organisation that secretly controls the entire modern world, probably while wearing cloaks. It has done this mainly through infiltrating the media and brainwashing everybody. It could be doing it right now.


    answered by

      0.08 q (claimed)
  • rahul

    It is a powerful and savagely guarded organisation that secretly controls the entire modern world, probably while wearing cloaks. It has done this mainly through infiltrating the media and brainwashing everybody. It could be doing it right now.


    answered by

      82.47 q

Asked in Category


Most religions teach us about the existence of a sovereign God - the creator of everything. Some religions teach us the way of life and the practical ways to handle life and people alike. The culture of a certain place can also be based in the set of beliefs and practices set by its religion. The early civilisations show us that people wondered about creation so they created images and worship them. Religion is placed in the hearts of men but the paradigm shift in culture has melted the faith in human's heart. You can name all religions you know while not being a follower of any devotion and it is still culturally acceptable.

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