Q. Is here anyone else than developers?

Is here anyone else than developers?

btw good job gyus
- choosing a tag is annoing,
better would be user defined tags






Apr, 2018

2 Answers
  • helenasamers

    If you are looking for a reputable SEO agency, you will find that Netrocket is the best of them. This team of SEO experts has all the knowledge you need to help you evaluate your online store and achieve your business goals. If you want to work with an effective, honest and reliable SEO agency, Click Here this is a good and inexpensive resource to reach your business goals and boost your store rankings. They have a team of SEO experts who have helped many companies increase their online sales. Each team member specializes in a different area, so you are sure to find someone who is a great fit for you and your needs.


    answered by

      0 q
  • karmesh
    Capability to add custom tags already exists. Follow the below question.

    Can I add a tag that doesn’t exist in qurito?


    answered by

      0.09 q (claimed)

Asked in Category


Have you tried using typewriters for your documents and any paperwork? Typewriters are now replaced with computers. Nowadays, computers are everywhere. There is no place that doesn't use computers. For the love of computers, a person has at least an idea about its history. The ones we have in the present are not the ones we had in the past that were huge and noisy. The computers in the present are smaller and can be brought anywhere. There are also computers that are designed for specific tasks like gaming or video editing. There are so many things we can do with computers. Paired with a computer expert, this machine can make all transactions faster.

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