Q. Which languages do you speak?

Which languages do you speak?

Obviously you can read English, (or you just Google translated this!) either way, I would like to learn about the diversity of languages spoken on Qurito. Tell me which languages you can speak where you can at least hold a converstation. I am sure there are many multilingual people among us.

translation language languages





Jun, 2018

  • maria08

    Being in a legal department, I get aquainted with several languages on a daily basis. Obviously I knew English language first, but then I learnt other languages too like russian, spanish and portuguese. I went for the human translation services first and then started to learn a bit about every language.
    I am fond of french language though, hopefully will learn it soon :)


    answered by

      0.95 q
  • adsus

    I speak Nepali language.


    answered by

      0.16 q
  • robin

    Good one!

    Starting out with my list:
    German (as this is what my parents told me to speak ;-) )
    English is superb
    French is ok to get around in France
    My spanish is good enough for Spain. However I did not understand a word of cuban slang :D
    * I am getting into Mandarin at the moment, which is freaking interesting!

    Always on the move to learning a new language :)


    answered by

      40.43 q

Asked in Category


Chinese, Spanish, English, Hindi, Arabic - five of the most spoken languages out of the 6909 living languages around the world listed recently. Aside from that, there are also rare languages that a specific group of people use for communication. Languages are dynamic. Change is constant and so is language. New words are formed and are added in the more updated lexicography. A lifelong logophile can create a word, own it and eventually use it as a code to communicate privately. That is more fun. Go beyond books and create your own term, can you?

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