Q. What do you think is the best way to bring on-board Venezuelans to Cryptocurrency?
i, a man
What do you think is the best way to bring on-board Venezuelans to Cryptocurrency?
Since Venezuelans are in hyperinflation with a dictator as a leader… it seems cryptocurrency is a way to create an economy within its borders.
46.65 q
1 Answer
hi, Faced with hyperinflation and borders closed to humanitarian aid, Venezuelans are turning to cryptocurrency as a workaround of government control of money. Aid providers say digital currencies are becoming an important route to bypassing corruption or repressive regimes.
Digital currencies have no shortage of critics, who point to their use in scams, theft and money laundering. U.S. lawmakers blasted Facebook’s plans for a cryptocurrency, and regulators routinely warn of wild volatility.
Read more: https://www.rollcall.com/2019/09/10/...cookie clicker/answered by galvin