Q. Can I learn crypto develepment within a year? How?

Can I learn crypto develepment within a year? How?

crypto bitcoin ethereum smartcontract development





Jun, 2018

1 Answer
  • pearljam

    Sure, If u invest your time in good direction…a person who has a vide knowledge, vast experience and well acquaint in crypto, forex or stock field....U can rise your caliber.

    One year is a very sufficient time.

    Hope , u understand.


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Cryptocurrency is a secure, trustful and transparent digital currency which can neither be counterfeited nor be reversed arbitrarily by the sender. It eliminates the necessity of a third party involvement for the exchange, as it is encrypted and peer-to-peer virtual currency. For those who prefer non-disclosure and privacy, cryptocurrency is the solution. The use of this kind of virtual currency prevents any kind of identity theft. The concept of cryptocurrency has given birth to reliable e-cash.

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