Q. What is a book that made you think after reading it?

What is a book that made you think after reading it?

For me its The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks.

reading books





Jun, 2018

  • nunezdanny

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    answered by

      0.46 q
  • kanguji
    • how to cook something


    answered by

      0.23 q
  • riddhi

    I read a book a couple of years back which is
    “The Host”: It is a romance novel by Stephenie Meyer.
    The book is about Earth, in a post apocalyptic time, being invaded by a parasitic alien race, known as “Souls”, and follows one Soul’s predicament when the consciousness of her human host refuses to co-operate with the takeover of her body.
    While I was reading the book and after I was done, it kept me consumed for quite a while.
    I couldn’t help myself from entering in the never-ending thought process, on the capacity of love and being selfless for your love.
    It was intriguing to know how difficult it is to be in love and see it leaving, going away, being snatched away.
    As it was among my initial romance novels it had left a very deep impression on me.


    answered by

      24.65 q
  • doru

    The BIBLE! - really!


    answered by

      4.43 q

Asked in Category


Fiction. Non-fiction. Autobiography. Inspirational. Self-help. Different categories are presented for people's interest. Historically, books are very important for studying. Before technology, there were collections of books and a person can have several field of concentration by learning through books. Books are surviving in the rapid advancement of technology. Millennial are in to gadgets rather than books. So, e-book is created for a more convenient way of reading. People are now divided into those who prefer to read hard-bound books and those who prefer e-books. Nothing can really be labeled as better or worse.

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