Q. Can I improve my singing skills without any expert’s guidance?

Can I improve my singing skills without any expert’s guidance?

I want to know if it is mandatory to learn under the guidance of a professed singer or can I listen to songs and learn on my own?

learn songs singing





Jun, 2018

1 Answer
  • hendry

    There is no compulsion for someone to have a guide, its just that with a proficient guide one can learn easily and efficiently in less time.
    Today, the internet can be your biggest teacher if you want.
    It can teach you literally anything you want.
    It is most definitely possible to be a great singer without anyone’s expert advice and just your hard work.


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      3.01 q

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Name all the singers you know whose talent reaches across the borders. You may categorise their voices to SATB where S for soprano; A for alto; T for tenor; and B for bass. People who love singing often imitate how their singing idols deliver the song. You're maybe one of them learning the sensuality of the song. Wherever you go, you'll always find a singing competition locally and globally. There is no man who doesn't like singing except for, maybe, a dying soul who only waits for his sad death to come visit him anytime.

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