Q. What is the most-used emoji?
I AM a loving person!
What is the most-used emoji?
What is the most-used emoji?****
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CommunicationCommunication is when language, signs or silent expressions are made a means to convey thoughts, feelings and opinions. Communication has literally changed its face as now individual viewpoints can be shared on world-wide accessible platforms. Calling and messaging has never been this easy, platform like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram made it possible to reach out to millions of people at once. Effective communication is very essential because misinterpreted words can leads to disasters. Listening and speaking one after the other, exemplifies the best conveyance of ideas.
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The rational reasons for an answer being dropped can be any one or more among the following:
1. The answer that has manifold linguistic errors and it fails to reflect a sensible meaning.
2. Being too short; the answer which could not provide an explanation, if it is either too short or contains just images/links that are not self-explanatory.
3. The content of the answer not being relatable to the question asked.
4. It containing information/message that is in any manner disrespectful or offending a person, community, belief or religion.