Q. What’s is one thing that you’re proud of?

I AM a loving person!

What’s is one thing that you’re proud of?

What’s is one thing that you’re proud of?****

friends lifestyle life





Jun, 2018

  • abdul29

    Excellent website! I adore how it is easy on my eyes it is. I am questioning how I might be notified whenever a new post has been made. Looking for more new updates. Have a great day Bali travel


    answered by

      0 q
  • shagun

    My Understanding
    Empathy towards other
    Response Time


    answered by

      6.72 q
  • kiaazad

    Knowledge or in other words information is the only thing humans can be proud of.
    manners is the knowledge of propper humant intraction.
    skills is knowledge
    even physical fitness is a combination of good information at genetic level and training knowledge.
    anything you’re proud of, goes back to some information somewhwhere


    answered by

      12.58 q
  • donparchami

    Im proud to be human. Being human is a privilege, it gives us the ability to study the cosmos, putting words to emotions and helping others in need. I dont think its fare to be proud of something that some race achieved thousands of years ago, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can do it to.
    For example, arabic people invented algebra, that doesn’t mean that all arabs are good at math. The fact that humas invented a language to understand nature is something to be proud of i.e calculus, trig, algebra. Were all here toghter and we should all be proud of being humas.


    answered by

      16.8 q (claimed)
  • lewis

    i am proud of my parents


    answered by

      10.7 q
  • maanya

    I am proud to be a humble human being. It hurts me when I see a hungry kid on the street or a wounded dog on the road. I try to be as helpful to other as I can. I like to believe that as we are humans we should behave the same way. That’s what I teach my kids too.


    answered by

      31.47 q
  • robin

    Personally, I am proud of the skiils and experiences that I have accumulated of my life. The happiness and joy that comes with it is the biggest pleasure I can get :)


    answered by

      34.04 q
  • pearljam

    I am proud to be an Indian. There are many reasons some of them are as below :

    1. Chess was invented in India.
    2. Algebra, Trignometry & Calculus are studied, originated in India.
    3. India is the World’s largest democracy with billion people.
    4. The most number of movies are made in India…Approx 1000 per year.
    5. India has the second largest English speaking population in the world.

    I think it is good to know abt India, Dear Doru Tarita.


    answered by

      61.8 q

Asked in Category


The word sociology connects us with the colourful living patterns consisting of human race, caste, creeds, ethnicity, religion, behaviour along with its ancient background. Sociology is systematic study of existing human societies on this planet. One way it's connected with human psychology, behaviour, local geographic back ground and traditional attachments with beliefs in gods. Sociology has been accepted as systematic science defining patterns of different societies. It has the record of transformation of human race, as how the modern scenario of technological impacts on the living patterns of the society as a whole.

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