Q. What’s one thing about the opposite sex that you’re attracted to?

I AM a loving person!

What’s one thing about the opposite sex that you’re attracted to?

What’s one thing about the opposite sex that you’re attracted to?****

friends love attraction people





Jun, 2018

1 Answer
  • pearljam

    I give respect and seeking for respect from opposite sex.

    I much care of gender sensitization.

    A positive and healthy conversation attracts me a lot.


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Communication is when language, signs or silent expressions are made a means to convey thoughts, feelings and opinions. Communication has literally changed its face as now individual viewpoints can be shared on world-wide accessible platforms. Calling and messaging has never been this easy, platform like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram made it possible to reach out to millions of people at once. Effective communication is very essential because misinterpreted words can leads to disasters. Listening and speaking one after the other, exemplifies the best conveyance of ideas.

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