Q. What gives you motivation?
2 Answers
  • hassan36

    In the present serious business scene, client criticism assumes a fundamental part in molding the outcome of any venture. To keep an edge over contenders, organizations endeavor to work on their administrations and contributions in view of client bits of knowledge. Burger Ruler, one of the world’s most eminent inexpensive food chains, perceives the significance of client criticism. MyBKExperience is Burger Ruler’s consumer loyalty review program intended to accumulate important criticism from clients, permitting them to upgrade their eating encounters. In this article, we will investigate the meaning of MyBKExperience, how it works, and the advantages it offers to both Burger Lord and its reliable benefactors mybkexperience


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  • hhhjamnez

    5 Things That Increase My Motivation
    1. Have a Clear Life Vision
    2. Want to be a winner
    3. Want to Succeed in the Face of Life’s Challenges
    4. Want to be happy
    5. Have a burning love
    6. Ingin Memberikan yang Terbaik


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We can define life through experiences and still can't find the exact word to say what life really is. Messy? Complicated? Roller coaster ride? Meaningless? or just not being dead? Philosophy suggests that there's an invisible bond that interconnects all the living. Most of us are still bugged about how life started and what's next after life. There is more to life that just merely exist. No one can figure out what exactly it is because no one knows the purpose behind this. All we can do is to live it to the fullest. It is too short; don't make it shorter.

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