Q. Is it the responsibility of parents to seek what talent their kids have?

Is it the responsibility of parents to seek what talent their kids have?

seeking talent responsibility talent





Jun, 2018

1 Answer
  • riddhi

    When the kids are young they are very volatile and easily impressionable.
    One day they would say that they like dancing, the other day they won’t.
    It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to see that what is the kid is actually good at.
    Then they can help their kids to learn and develop more skills in the field with proper guidance and teaching.


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Talents and skills. Take note of the conjunction "and". Can you be talented without skills? Can you be skilled without talents? What's exactly the difference between the two? To name few talents, you say: singing, dancing, painting, or drawing. And for skills, you say: gymnastics, designing, cooking, or carpentry. Have you ever asked yourself about which is more important? Being talented or being skilled?
Talent is your ability to do something well. Skill is the ability you acquire from training or experiences. While talents come out naturally even without training's or experiences, skill is needs hard-work. It makes sense for you to evaluate yourself at the moment. Are you skilled or talented?

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