Q. What can be the best punishment for children at school to make them learn discipline?

What can be the best punishment for children at school to make them learn discipline?

punishment education school social behaivour





Jun, 2018

1 Answer
  • kirti

    there is no BEST punishment, we should make children understand and teach them what is good and whats wrong, punishing a child is not a good thing, some teachers like to beat children which is a crime, teachers know that even children’s parents wouldnt have any problem if they are beating their child, cz parents think by beating the children will learn manners and discipline. if we go against beating the children and we go against the teachers doing this crime then we can stop this.


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The word sociology connects us with the colourful living patterns consisting of human race, caste, creeds, ethnicity, religion, behaviour along with its ancient background. Sociology is systematic study of existing human societies on this planet. One way it's connected with human psychology, behaviour, local geographic back ground and traditional attachments with beliefs in gods. Sociology has been accepted as systematic science defining patterns of different societies. It has the record of transformation of human race, as how the modern scenario of technological impacts on the living patterns of the society as a whole.

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