Q. What do you want to teach your children?

Nothing is impossible for women.

What do you want to teach your children?

family-planning children knowledge teaching family





Jun, 2018

  • gibson

    Just admiring your work and wondering how you managed this blog so well. It’s so remarkable that I can’t afford to not go through this valuable information whenever I surf the internet!


    answered by

      0.4 q
  • mohsinkhan

    i want to look always good children all over society. they are flawer


    answered by

      2.43 q
  • pearljam

    Only one thing....on which I would like to put my effort on children, that is....

    To analyse the difference what is right and what is wrong especially in aspect of morality.
    If they judge the difference between right and wrong, and what if they will do further as per the possibility demands, i would’ve satisfaction that despite of knowing the right path and willingly if they opt wrong way, and suffering a loss, i will never feel regret.


    answered by

      6.77 q
  • crypto.bit182

    everything I know and what they want to know


    answered by

      23.51 q (claimed)

Asked in Category


Abuse? Love? Parental pressure? Sibling rivalry? Institutions taught us that family is the smallest unit of the society. Small things accumulate and there would be no society without the union that springs back to the family. Whether the family is paternal, maternal, or extended the values of an individual is said to be influenced primarily by the former. And since it is the smallest yet relevant unit in the society, most social problems can be traced back by looking at someone's family background. This smallest unit of the society needs to be taken cared of more than we take care of the endangered organisms around us.

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