Q. Why do people love Royal Enfield?
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Why do people love Royal Enfield?
Royal Enfield is a powerful bike in cruiser style, but I don’t like one thing about royal enfield which is its loud sound, imagine if your family is sleeping at night and you come home late night, they will all wake up and couldn’t sleep again by the sound of royal enfield. So why do people chose bike with so louder noise?
Accepted Answer
Royal Enfields are pretty, retro-style bikes. I have to admit that I quite like their look.
I wouldn’t call them “Powerful Bikes”, but I suppose that depends on what you compare them to.
People like the retro look, the feeling of riding a historical bike. Or one that feels like it.
I might buy one one day, if I’m looking for a light rinabout bike that I can lift onto the bike carrier of my camping truck. But then I don’t mind tinkering with a motorbike and I always travel with a toolkit - because you need to keep tweaking, adjusting and fixing these bikes.
Like a real historical bike.I’ve ridden on once, and they definitely feel old-school. Like motorised bicycles. But then, I ride things like this:
answered by blackadder
1 Other Answer
Wyoming is a big state full of wide open spaces. Should your big rig break down, chances are it’s going to be far away from help.
on site truck repairanswered by james_walter