Q. How can I improve my coding skills?

How can I improve my coding skills?

improvisation coding skills





Jul, 2018

  • cleo49

    Engage in coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and Codewars. These platforms offer problems that range in difficulty and cover a variety of topics. basket random unblocked Contribute to open source projects on GitHub. This allows you to work on real-world projects and learn from more experienced developers.


    answered by

      0.44 q
  • tobyubbard

    Make sure you have an understanding of the fundamentals of coding for teens if you want to improve your own coding skills. There’s no point just learning a few new things here and there, if you don’t understand how they fit together. This will help you avoid some common mistakes newcomers make when learning programming languages, and give you a better view of what’s going on in the background.


    answered by

      0.49 q
  • webskitters001

    You have not mentioned the level of your skill set. I mean whether you are begginer or intermidiate level of programmer or you are an expert programmer and wanting to expand your skill set in any new programming language.

    There are lot of platforms, where you will find different video classes. In my experience I have noticed many students face problems to understand properly. That’s why they prefer interactive sessions online or offline.

    You should opt those IT training institute, where you will get the chance to work on live projects to be ready according to the industry demand. Apart from that you can show some portolfio samples to get chances in interviews.

    One last advice, whatever you learn, you need to practice. Afterall practice will make your skill perfect.


    answered by

      3.3 q
  • sercandrop

    Go watch some tutorials on Udemy there’re really some good stuff there.
    Afterwards try to write some code for dummy projects. Such as school-student systems, mp3 player, reminder etc. with your favorite programming language.

    And lastly, don’t ever do anything before understanding the underlying process of programming language that you want to work with.


    answered by

      28.87 q

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Just put it in a simpler sense that decoding something you dont understand is like being a JAVA man who is trying to improve his life with an insufficient knowledge about how things work. The scope of programming is as huge as a Python. You may hear the term Java Script but its not the letters and written words of a Java man. Definitely, bugs in programming are not the kinds who are responsible for pollination. Software is not a soft pottery in the kitchen. Ruby is not the stone. Error code. Welcome to programming languages!

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