Q. What altcoin to buy? Momentally under $ 0.5?

What altcoin to buy? Momentally under $ 0.5?






Jul, 2018

1 Answer
  • erik

    Why do you look price of the coin instead of marketcap? I could tell you XRP which is under $0.5 but have marketcap over $18,638,000,000 or on the other hand Power Ledger which is $0.27 and have marketcap of little over 100,000,000. And one more Elastos is $23 but because of low circulating supply marketcap is only $120,000,000. You should look for marketcap instead of coin price if you are looking for bigger gains. But if you only want to have a lot of coins and don’t care for gains you can go for XRP it’s under 0.5.


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      29.02 q (claimed)

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