Q. In what ways does internet simply your life?

In what ways does internet simply your life?

internet easy life life simplified





Jul, 2018

  • thorty

    instant access to information without having to go to a library. It also has far, far more information than library, and (in my opinion) is much easier to search. It also provides instant communication, enabling interaction between people all over the globe. And you can order your shopping without leaving your home.


    answered by

      2.1 q (claimed)
  • kiaazad

    I get all of my information from internet as well as my jobs


    answered by

      23.05 q
  • pearljam

    I can clear all my doubt on any issue, topic, subject etc withoput seeking a trusted help from any person.
    It is my perfect companion.


    answered by

      30.08 q

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It has made the world shrink. The impossible earlier is possible now as the internet is a dream come true. What is that one can’t find on the internet? Job, communication, knowledge and lately even Love! It has been quite a task to keep pace with the technology that is growing at lightning speed. But remember, every coin has two sides. The internet is a blessing but it won’t take much time to turn in to a curse, thus stick to the good parts. We have come a long way but there is still a long way to go.

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