Q. Which are the other side effects of smoking rather than cancer?

Which are the other side effects of smoking rather than cancer?

smoking disease





Jul, 2018

1 Answer
  • dan54

    You can get emphysema, your trachea (wind pipe) splits into your lungs and the passage to each lung is called your bronchi.

    Emphysema causes these pages to become narrowere which causes you to feel breathless and denies adequate oxygen flow to your body, which severely impacts your health.

    The cells in your lungs that deliver oxygen to your bloodstream are called alveoli, they are air sacks that contract and detract with breathing. Smoking destroys the alveoli in your lungs and is the reason why so many smokers are shit at exercise!

    Smoking can damage you sense of taste and smell, by causing damage to sensory cells in your nose and your tongue!

    I think the thing that worries me most about smoking, other than cancer, is that your bodies ability to heal is reduced significantly! You will take longer to heal, wear and tear will heal slowly, leading to further uneccesary damage!

    The airways don’t just get narrower, your blood vessels do as well! You are destroying your bodies means of gaining oxygen and transporting it succesfully around the body!

    I do biomedical science and i want to go into genetic engineering!

    Quit smoking and you will add decades back onto your life and thousands of dollars back into your bank account!


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Incurable and curable diseases are everywhere. Visit a hospital and see that there's never a day when no people are confined without a disease. There are several causes of diseases. Some people are fortunate enough to be cured from it while others suffer a lifetime for their incurable disease. An example of incurable disease is allergy. Say for example, a person is allergic to specific sea foods and other salty foods or else red spots will cover their body. It's difficult to live with a disease that's why when you know you have one, extra precautionary measures are given to lengthen your life as disease can be fatal, too.

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