Q. Humans have believed to have evolved, are we still evolving or not?

Humans have believed to have evolved, are we still evolving or not?

Evolution is triggered when the species is endangered.
In my opinion, only physical evolution shouldn’t be considered, the minds and mindsets also evolve.

change evolution human





Jul, 2018

2 Answers
  • gibson

    This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing blog that understand the value. Im glad to have found this post as its such an interesting one! I am always on the lookout for quality posts and articles so i suppose im lucky to have found this! I hope you will be adding more in the future…
    Bitly USA


    answered by

      2.94 q
  • thorty

    Humans have largely stopped evolving physically, as the majority of the world has at least basic access to food and shelter, bringing an end to ‘the survival of the fittest’, which drives evolution. Access to better nutrition and education, and more than ever instant access to information via the internet, means that humans are in general advancing cognitively - which is represented by our technological and innovational advances.
    PS although we aren’t evolving physically, better understanding of, and access to, nutrition and gyms mean that people who look like bodybuilders can exist today, whereas they couldn’t before.


    answered by

      3.5 q (claimed)

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