Q. What type of god is your favourite?

What type of god is your favourite?






Aug, 2018

  • ninjavz

    The Matrix


    answered by

      1.44 q
  • kamalnit

    all humans are god if we find.


    answered by

      14.83 q
  • billionairebitclub

    God is DNA.
    DNA is the unique programming code inside of all matter created by God.


    answered by

      22.2 q
  • ishaan

    Firstly, I would like to say that your question is hilarious.
    I didn’t know if there were different types of God in this world.
    But if that were true then my favourite God would be the one that would listen to all my wishes and make them come true.
    I believe God already knows what we want so I will like the type of God that will know my needs without me saying it.
    Well, jokes apart. I don’t think there are multiple types of God.
    There are religions that have a face associated with their version of God.
    But all of them takes us to the same destination through different routes.


    answered by

      39.25 q
  • pearljam

    God is almighty.
    All Gods are ONE.

    One God, One is the best.
    How can I compare ??

    There is one GOD.


    answered by

      13.37 q

Asked in Category


PET-ables Furs in brown, white, and black; paws prints on the floor. Tiny, cuddly things you snuggle with; they make you happy. A famous quote says, "The character of a man is revealed by how he treats animals." Yet, not all animals can be treated well. Mosquitoes, cocroaches, rats, etc. - they are not pets but pests. Aren't you pro-life when you kill parasites?
Pets have been members of the family, may it be dogs, cats, fish, or birds. Name any animal that is 'pet-able', an animal that can be a pet. When you want to be a pet parent, do bear in mind this very thing: Be the person your pet thinks you are.

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