Q. What are the things that candidates should never do in an interview?

What are the things that candidates should never do in an interview?

An interview is a crucial time in which a candidate is judged on the basis of speech, knowledge, and personality.
What are the things that can lead to a negative outcome in an interview?

interview anxiety interview dos&donts





Aug, 2018

1 Answer
  • vaibhavi

    Turn up late
    Not being punctual can be a great loss to you.
    Dress Inappropriately
    The first judgment is on the basis of appearance.
    Fail to prepare
    Recruiters will want to see you’ve done your homework. Make the correct use of the internet and be prepared.
    • Lie
    We all like to big ourselves up in interviews, but make sure you don’t stray too far from the truth. If you claim to be an IT professional, you’ll soon be found out when you’re asked a technical question or have to prove your skills in a test. Be honest about your background and abilities.
    • Let your body language trip you up
    Don’t let your body language give you away. Don’t slouch, fidget, bite your nails, fiddle with your phone or look longingly out of the window. Stay alert, smile and maintain eye contact so that you come across as interested and professional.
    • Be rude to the receptionist or the interviewer.
    Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the receptionist or security guard you meet when you turn up for an interview is unimportant. Always be polite and friendly and treat people with respect or it may come back to bite you!


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Blue vs White Off to a job fair, self-evaluating whether you're capable of doing any jobs in the queue. Get a good education then land on a better job. A tough competition is ahead of you whether you work online or in an office.
Blue and white collar jobs are in. Fairly well for the skilled and the think tanks. You're maybe one of the enthusiast waiting for your turn to succeed in your passion. You may need to be skilled or to have Master's degree to be more qualified. But, sometimes it doesn't work that way. Sometimes, you don't need to find a job; create it.

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