Q. Why are lemons so sour?

Why are lemons so sour?

Lemon contains citric acid as its major element.
It is used in many dishes for its unique flavour, but there are many other fruits and vegetables with more proportion of citric acid and yet they are not as sour as lemons.
Then why lemons are this sour?

citric acid sour lemons





Aug, 2018

2 Answers

Asked in Category


Foodgasm. Foodporn. Foodie. Foodselfie. Food is life. If you are a food lover, you would always have the appetite to try new dishes and delicacies. Many of us are trying to become a food blogger; showing some interesting food to try; uploading photos on social media. Because food is life, the food businesses have been boosting in the industry. They offer different foods and services. It could either be a food delivery or a 24/7 drive-thru. It could be a healthy food or an instant food. The rapid growth of food chains show the more cravings that people have for food. Nevertheless, healthy lifestyle should always be of greater consideration.

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