Q. Is there a scope of rejuvenating aged cells and becoming young again?

Is there a scope of rejuvenating aged cells and becoming young again?

The University of Exeter research, published in the journal Aging, used senescent human cells and delivered a tiny amount of hydrogen sulfide to the mitochondria of the cells (otherwise known as the cell’s powerhouse).
Hydrogen sulfide occurs naturally in cells and plays an important role in regulating cell function.
This process of injecting the toxic gas managed to reverse the ageing of these cells, making them functional again so that they could keep delivering their specialized genetic messages like normal living cells.

reverse aging anti aging





Aug, 2018

1 Answer
  • nurkeyo

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We are simply amazed with all the genius who had come before us. What we enjoy in the present are products of the hardships of the scientists centuries ago. Einstein, Newton, Darwin, and Galileo Galilei are just few of the many famous scientists in history. Their theories and inventions brought us this far. In addition to the list of the famous scientist, we have Stephen Hawking who passed away at 76. They are all imperfect humans with flaws. Yet, we see their best through their contributions in the field of science. They were an epitome of people who never give up. We owe them most of our science knowledge.

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