Q. What is one thing you would change about your country?

What is one thing you would change about your country?






Aug, 2018

2 Answers
  • eshorameh

    Peoples Thinking


    answered by

      0.03 q
  • vaibhavi

    There can be so many issues that are in need of fixation if we look at the larger perspective but when we look at the core cause of those issues then we can find that the major problem is with the attitude, mindset and behaviour of the people of the country.
    We keep complaining that the government is not doing well but what is the government? It is a group of people that have come from the society and are no different than the society itself.
    We keep blaming the government for not keeping the country clean but how much do we do to keep our places and areas clean? Nothing.
    Thus, to grow and to be able to develop into a more civilized and organized country, all the citizens must need to change their approach and attitude.


    answered by

      24.73 q

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The first world and the third world countries. There are 195 countries around the world. Which country are you from? Different surveys show us the list of the best countries and the most powerful countries in the world. we can see that countries differ from culture, tradition, beliefs, and most especially with the technological advancement and lifestyle. We dream of stepping into a foreign for the purpose of travelling or getting a better job. Countries are given a label based on the most rampant social problems that they're facing. Whichever country we are, we don't have the right to criticize other countries for their flaws rather help them by suggesting a good solution for the problem.

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