Q. What should I look for prior to applying to a college/university?

What should I look for prior to applying to a college/university?

college university educational school





Sep, 2018

  • seoexpert

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      0.44 q
  • simmens

    I understand that it is necessary to thoroughly study any task that is set before me at this moment. Therefore, in order to do everything perfectly, I decided to learn how to write a letter of recommendation for immigration to the UK. In general, I realized that it is better to seek help from specialists https://www.lorservice.com/discover-... because it is difficult for me to take into account all the nuances on my own.


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      0.96 q
  • avery

    Look for the course, the subjects are always specified so you can study them thoroughly
    The second thing that you need to check is the credibility of the course that you will receive in form of certificate or degree.
    The distance and fees should also be considered.


    answered by

      2.48 q

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“Welcome to the company! We’re looking forward to be working with you. Do your best!” Few years back, you were just the “young, dumb, broke high school kid” in town. Now you’re aiming for a better status.
You passed with flying colors. Your extra-curricular activities and academics were well-balanced. You thought you’re cream of the crop ready for the real world. Readied for your first interview, you said, “I can do this!”
Several months passed, your hard work paid off. Your pride goes up; conflicts rise; resignation follows. You reflected, “Where did the flying colors go?” They said that you can’t land on a good company or a job with a reasonable compensation if your records are not impressive. Thus, you are expected to give your best in everything. Be the best without losing your character. In the real world, flying colours don’t mean anything as grades don’t define you – attitude does!

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