Q. Which is the best Design institute in India?

Redefining Curiosity!

Which is the best Design institute in India?






Jan, 2019

1 Answer
  • iifdfashion

    IIFD is the best Fashion Designing institute in Chandigarh India that Provides all type courses in Chandigarh and Mohali.
    We don’t just prepare our students for a job; we prepare them for a career…
    It’s a place where creativity and career merge. We’re hands-on and industry focused. We’re small enough to know our students’ names but big enough to have the industry contacts and resources to help them meet their goals.


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  • cuwonkz

    ididiiididiiiiididiiididiiiiiiididiiididiiiiididiiididiiiiiiiiii don’tdon’tknowdon’tdon’tknow


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Asked in Category

Art and Design

Water colours, pencils, paint, sketches, brushes in your table. What kinds of art do you like – sculpture, painting, photography, or architecture? Many people have great interest in art. Some of the best art galleries have been gaining numerous tourist visits. Not only that, but also the countries that have good architecture.
These words shall never be separated. Art is your way of expressing yourself when the right words cannot be found. Design shows your creativity in putting your arts to a higher level. If you have discovered yourself as having the artistic ability, then grab your tools and start doing more. Don't tell yourself that you aren't capable of doing things like arts until you've tried it. Grab the pencil and explore your imagination and emotion.

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