Q. Why every time after the rain there must be a distinctive smell?

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Why every time after the rain there must be a distinctive smell?






Apr, 2019

1 Answer
  • massagelas

    The earthy smell of rain develops because plants secrete oils during dry periods, and these oils then accumulate in the soil and rocks around the plants. When rain falls, the oily compounds combine with other compounds to create the smell.
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Theories are created to explain something that is yet to be proven. Before it becomes a theory, substantial and relevant facts are gathered to support a claim. It undergoes series of test. We are surrounded with theories like theories that explain how the world began and where the human race came from. Famous scientists in the past have influenced us with the theories that they created in the intention of giving us an explanation. Yet, in the course of time, these theories can be disconfirmed without satisfactory information. As Albert Einstein once said, You cannot prove the theory with considerable experiments but one experiment can deny all the theory.

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