Q. What is your favorite hero marvel?

What is your favorite hero marvel?






Aug, 2019

1 Answer
  • cryptolord

    I absolutely love The Iron Man. I am huge fan of Iron Man and the character Tony Stark. I was literally crying at the climax of Avengers Endgame. Sad that he wont be a part of MCU from now on. I believe he is the coolest and most heroic among all. I personally love the geeky counterparts of his character.2000


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Justice League and Avengers are two of the most famous superheroes in the big screen. When you were young, you used to play fist-fight with your friends and pretended to have powers like superheroes do. You would sometimes imitate how superheroes talk and fight. The superheroes ruled our childhood memories, too. These superheroes can be ordinary people with extraordinary gifts. They can also be a demigod like Thor and Wonder woman. All of them are product of human imagination and 'what ifs'. The world loves these ideal superheroes and they shouldn't stay in U.S only to fight bad people. Go to Asia, too.

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