Q. Can leadership be taught?
2 Answers
  • tomweber

    The Archimedes Initiative is a project to promote science literacy and science education.
    As part of the Archimedes Initiative http://www.archimedesinitiative.org/ , students can watch videos of other students’ science fair projects. It is designed to help students choose their interests. There are also a variety of resources on the site, including books and books about science fairs.
    One of the newest aspects of the Archimedes Initiative is the announcement of a new research unit. “ARCHIMEDES” will be housed within the National Recovery and Resiliency Facility. Among the other research units that will be a part of the new unit are a Center for Algorithms and Ethics, a Center for Data Science, and a Center for Artificial Intelligence.


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      0.62 q
  • henryafford

    Many people assume that leaders are just born that way. I guess this is true in some respects. Some people have a naturally commanding presence. However, Like any skill, it is also something that can be developed over time. You can absolutely become a better leader if you want to. The key is to be competent at your job, to listen to your staff, and to create an environment based around respect for each other and hard work.

    First of all, become as good as you can at your job. If you’re running a marketing company, then you should be an expert in marketing If it’s a sales company, then you should be the best salesman on the team. If you’re the best at what you do, people will automatically respect you and follow your lead. Think about captains of soccer teams: they’re usually the best player on the pitch.

    At the same time, you need to learn from your staff members. Listen to their concerns. What do they want from you? If you provide it, then you’re already a better leader. Finally, make sure everyone feels excited to work with you. If anyone feels excluded or discriminated against, you’re not doing your job properly. If you’re the best at your job you can be, willing to listen to your team members, and able to create a fair environment for all, then you’re already a great leader. Just focus on being better at these things.

    To answer your question more literally, you can also learn to be a better leader by taking some leadership & management courses. These are easy to find online and can be studied remotely. They’ll teach you how to effectively manage a team. You can even gain a certificate proving that you’re a good leader. Click here to sign up for management and leadership online courses.


    answered by

      23.1 q

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Talents and skills. Take note of the conjunction "and". Can you be talented without skills? Can you be skilled without talents? What's exactly the difference between the two? To name few talents, you say: singing, dancing, painting, or drawing. And for skills, you say: gymnastics, designing, cooking, or carpentry. Have you ever asked yourself about which is more important? Being talented or being skilled?
Talent is your ability to do something well. Skill is the ability you acquire from training or experiences. While talents come out naturally even without training's or experiences, skill is needs hard-work. It makes sense for you to evaluate yourself at the moment. Are you skilled or talented?

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