Q. What are Dijon flagstones?
1 Answer
  • christopherjgilbert

    Dijon stone is a type of limestone quarried in the Burgundy region of France. There are varieties of Dijon stone, including the classic red flagstone, that are available in a variety of shapes and sizes.

    Most homeowners I talked to agree that Dijon stone can be used for a variety of purposes, including flooring, paving for patios or driveways, or as an outdoor hearth. It can also be used to make countertops or fireplaces when combined with a cement binder.

    Because of its large availability, affordability, durability, and versatility, Dijon stone has become one of the most popular materials for home exteriors. Unlike other types of stone, such as granite and marble, Dijon flagstones require no sealing or staining to maintain their appearance. Instead, they only need to be swept with a broom or vacuum cleaner and rinsed off with water from time to time.

    There are also a wide variety of colours and textures to choose from, so you’re sure to find something that matches your needs from a reputable natural stone supplier.


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