Q. I keep seeing 18:18 everywhere. Does it have any spiritual meaning?

I keep seeing 18:18 everywhere. Does it have any spiritual meaning?






Dec, 2022

1 Answer
  • angelwings

    Yes, 1818 is an angel number. It is considered a sign of karma, finance, abundance and transformation. I would recommend that you keep a journal and write down your thoughts when you see the number 1818. This is because the number can mean something different to each of us.

    For example, I personally keep seeing 1111. Many articles claim that it means luck and manifestation or wishes coming true, however, for me personally, it is a reminder of love from my deceased aunt.


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Faith in god is the foundation of every religion. Among people the depth of belief in a divine power shows the rooted existence of religion is every part of the world. There are many functions of religion that are responsible for nurturing the society; it provides social unity through shared rituals and beliefs, also social discipline through morals and norms to control the society. With faith, trust and appropriate attitude, religion keeps us attached to god.

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