Q. Who can give me info about online platforms?

Who can give me info about online platforms?

Hey everyone! I’ve been curious about online casinos and I want to learn more about them. Can anyone share some insights or information about how online casinos work? I’m particularly interested in understanding the technology behind them and how they operate.






May, 2023

2 Answers
  • mysorskoi

    Learning about the technology behind online casinos can indeed be intriguing. Online casinos utilize various technologies to provide a secure and enjoyable gambling experience. Exploring different articles, industry reports, and expert opinions can help in gaining a well-rounded knowledge of the subject.


    answered by

      0.32 q
  • potapenko

    Hello there! If you’re looking to dive into the world of online casinos and understand the technology behind them, I suggest checking out this website https://coupontoaster.com/blog/behin... . They have a blog post titled ‘Behind the Scenes of Online Casinos: Technology’ that delves into the inner workings of online casinos. The article provides insights into the software platforms, security measures, payment systems, and random number generators used by online casinos. It’s a great resource to gain a deeper understanding of the technology and mechanics behind online gambling. Happy reading and exploring the fascinating world of online casinos!


    answered by

      1.23 q

Asked in Category


Do you agree that 'History repeats itself'? If so, would you dare to face famine, war, or black death in the present version 2.0? Institutions have taught you that you must study history in order to 1.) know the origin of a place or thing, 2.) have facts in almost everything, 3.) have a glimpse of the past, or 4.) have an insight of the future. Anything else?
Is 'History repeats itself' an equivalent of predestination - trying to make things better but still, 'History repeats itself'? Reconsider that future cannot be determined by the past rather the choices made in the present. Sometimes, it's 'Past is past'.

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