Q. Books on policing history for law enforcement?

Books on policing history for law enforcement?

Understanding the history and evolution of policing is essential Must read books for law enforcement personnel to navigate the complexities of their profession. “The History of Policing in the United States” by Gary Potter is an excellent resource. It traces the development of policing from its early roots to modern times, shedding light on the factors that have shaped law enforcement practices.

Another informative read is “Rise of the Warrior Cop” by Radley Balko. This book explores the militarization of law enforcement in the United States and its implications. Balko’s work offers critical insights into the challenges and controversies surrounding modern policing.

For a global perspective, “Policing the World” by Peter Kraska is recommended. It examines the internationalization of policing and the role of law enforcement in global affairs, providing a broader context for officers to understand their profession.

These books offer law enforcement professionals valuable historical and contemporary perspectives on policing, helping them make informed decisions and contribute positively to their communities.






Sep, 2023

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