Q. How good is German catering equipment?

How good is German catering equipment?

Is it worth the money?

german equipment engineering





Nov, 2023

2 Answers
  • newman17

    Hey there! Whether you’re working on a small DIY project or a large construction job, you need tools you can rely on to get the job done. Craftsman tools are built to withstand the harshest working conditions, making them an ideal choice for professionals and enthusiasts. It is worth noting that if suddenly your tool fails, you can always contact craftsman let them know about it, and they will offer options to solve this problem.


    answered by

      0.6 q
  • carlodaley

    Having run a small smack van for years, I found myself always having to replace faulty and cheap equipment on a regular basis. Eventually, though, I looked to buy some German engineering equipment that I found online. The quality was incredible; it was more efficient and easier to use, and I could quickly show my subcontractor staff how to use it.
    The main difference, though, was in the energy usage. Compared to other catering equipment, I found that all of my equipment from Germany was slick, smooth, and very efficient. This meant that my energy costs were coming down quite dramatically. On top of that, the equipment is just more durable than alternatives on the market. For me, German engineering within the catering industry is some of the best in the world. If you have the funds spare to invest, I would do so!


    answered by

      1.34 q

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