Q. What aspects of the simplehuman trash can stood out to you the most in terms of enhancing your dail?

What aspects of the simplehuman trash can stood out to you the most in terms of enhancing your dail?






Nov, 2023

2 Answers
  • magdale

    We design tools that make people more efficient at home. Through innovation and technology, we find ways to streamline daily life. Truly built to last)


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      0.28 q
  • artur12

    I recently purchased a simplehuman trash can and I have to say, I am extremely impressed with its functionality and design . The stainless steel exterior gives it a sleek and modern look that fits perfectly with my kitchen decor https://simplehuman.pissedconsumer.c... .

    One of the standout features of this trash can is the motion sensor technology. It’s incredibly convenient to have a hands-free option for opening and closing the lid, especially when your hands are full or dirty. The sensor is very responsive and the lid opens and closes smoothly without any issues.

    Another great feature is the liner pocket. It’s a small detail, but it makes a big difference in terms of convenience. The built-in pocket at the back of the trash can holds extra liners, so they’re always within reach when you need to replace the bag. No more searching for spare liners in the pantry!

    The simplehuman trash can also has a strong and durable pedal that opens the lid effortlessly. It feels sturdy and well-made, which gives me confidence that it will last for a long time. The lid also has a soft-close feature, so it doesn’t slam shut and create any loud noises.

    In terms of capacity, this trash can holds a decent amount of waste without taking up too much space. The rectangular shape allows it to fit nicely against a wall or in a corner, maximizing the use of space in my kitchen.

    Overall, I highly recommend the simplehuman trash can. It’s a bit pricier compared to other options on the market, but the quality and functionality make it worth the investment. It’s a well-designed and reliable product that has made my daily trash disposal routine much more convenient.


    answered by

      3.5 q

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